Wednesday, May 18, 2011

13 days of Blog-less-ness

WOW has it really been 13 days since I posted on my blog?

I received a HUGE box of dresses from Debbie, my Dress A Girl friend in Richmond. The colors are bright and cheery and it was literally like opening a box of sunshine. I am in awe of her generous and loving spirit. I Below is a sneak peek of Debbie dresses.... I removed them from the box and sat them on my ironing board for a quick photo...look at all the colorful fabrics and ties?  This wasn't a group project...this was all Debbie's sewing.

A number of people have signed up for the SewAlong. I am so excited that I am having difficulty focusing on things that really need to be done….like this blog.

Jeanne donated a large box of plastic beads to Dress A Girl. We talked about what we could do with them and came up with the idea that beaded bracelets might be a project that some group might be willing to take on. As luck would have it, I met Monica who is the leader of a scout troop that very afternoon. They were searching for a project!

I have been working on a strategy to make the new Dress A Girl labels easier to see on dark and printed fabrics and I think I have discovered a way. I have ironed a continuous row of iron on stickers onto a piece of grosgrain ribbon and then cut them apart with pinking shears. I will report back the best way to attach them.

Meanwhile I have a sewing machine that is calling out to me from the other room. I need to get started on some dresses. I have so many ideas!

Have a peace-filled day and keep your umbrella close by…it looks like rain.

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